New features in Office 365

Microsoft’s Office 365 platform isn’t one of the most popular productivity suites in the world by luck. The company’s expertise in creating functional, innovative and easy-to-use business applications has won over thousands of users for decades even before the cloud. And today, Microsoft strives to remain ahead of the competition by rolling out new upgrades […]

Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Need help getting some work done? Fortunately, Microsoft constantly releases new Office 365 features that can help you get an edge on the pile of work sitting on your computer. Among some of the new Office 365 features, you can Skype over a document with your coworkers, plot charts into excel with ease, and even […]

Add to your Office experience

Microsoft Office might be boring to some people, but those users probably haven’t explored the exciting world of add-ins. Utilizing these cool features, which work inside your favorite Office application, can help change your experience for the better. Don’t worry if you’re not up to speed when it comes to add-ins – we’ll show you […]
