
Wow them on the web by doing these 3 things

Having a website is no longer enough to be successful. You must have a website that not only presents your company in a positive light but also offers a good experience for users. While this may seem like a time consuming and maybe even expensive process, it’s actually simpler than you may realize. Here are […]

Power outages can derail business continuity

Even a single second of downtime at your business can cause a ripple effect that sees operations become unhinged. While most Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) take into account longer power outages, short ones can be just as dangerous to your company. It is important that you and your employees be prepared should a power outage […]

Add to your Office experience

Microsoft Office might be boring to some people, but those users probably haven’t explored the exciting world of add-ins. Utilizing these cool features, which work inside your favorite Office application, can help change your experience for the better. Don’t worry if you’re not up to speed when it comes to add-ins – we’ll show you […]

Chimera ransomware: what to know

You are probably already familiar with ransomware, one of the nastier forms of malicious software that does the rounds every now and again, but what you may not already be acquainted with is a ransomware program called Chimera. Only recently discovered, Chimera’s creators have taken the already unpleasant ransomware program’s scare tactics to the next […]

2016 could be the year of the phone

There was a plethora of phone releases in 2015, but not a lot of game-changers hit the market. That looks set to change in 2016, with major players like Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and many others gearing up for major phone launches in the coming year. If it is time for a new phone, you might […]

Potential IT security issues in 2016

As a small or medium-sized business owner or manager, it’s only to be expected that you want to keep your company safe from cyber attacks and hacking attempts. But how much do you really know about online safety? With massive corporations such as Sony falling victim to attack, cyber security has never been more in […]

Essential business apps for Windows Phone

Windows Phone has many useful features that appeal to business users, including the ability to make business presentations easier, increase productivity, and control devices remotely. But with over 600,000 apps in the Windows Phone Store, it can be hard to determine which ones deserve a place on your device. That’s why we’ve compiled a list […]

Using big data to increase profit

Pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box, keeping someone in the loop. All of these phrases, and countless more, have had their turn in the corporate spotlight. Thankfully now, in most working environments, they have been consigned to history. However, one buzzword is making the rounds at the moment and – unlike some of its […]

More productive meetings with

Meetings that result in little more than wasted hours are counter-productive and a surprisingly large drain on resources. After all, if your best people are spending the majority of their working day locked in a meeting room, drinking endless cups of coffee, making copious notes, and yet leaving with little or nothing to show for […]
