Master Microsoft Excel with these 3 tips

Digital literacy is all about mastering essential computer skills like navigating search engines and word processors. But one of the most crucial you need to learn is Excel. Check out these tips to be an Excel master. Pie and Sunburst Charts Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong […]

Tips on adding value to your business data

Data is incredibly valuable. The more of it your business generates, the easier it is to predict market and customer behaviors. Analytics solutions aren’t always the right fit for small businesses, but that doesn’t mean their data isn’t valuable. Here are some ways to add real value to your business by harnessing the power of […]

Optimize daily usage of Microsoft Excel

Recent research by Burning Glass revealed that nearly 8 in 10 middle-skill jobs now require digital proficiency – and jobs that require digital skills pay an average of 18% more than those that don’t. Essentially, the more literate you are digitally, the more money you will make. This means paying extra attention in class (instead […]
