Don’t let TDoS attacks ruin your VoIP system

Denial-of-service attacks (DoS) attacks have been around for years and have caused millions of dollars in damage to businesses and organizations all over the world. What many businesses don’t know, however, is that VoIP systems can be the primary target of a type of DDos attack known as telephony denial-of-service (TDoS). Learn how to keep […]

What you need to know about telephony DoS

Hackers launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks to render IT systems and networks inaccessible to intended users. Large corporations’ web servers used to be frequent targets, but nowadays, every business can become a victim. Hackers have also started launching attacks on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems. This brief guide on telephony DoS attacks can help you […]

Avoid voice attacks with security updates

Malware delivered via email should be the least of businesses’s worries. Aside from common malware, businesses have to protect their VoIP systems from call jacking, eavesdropping, and denial-of-service attacks. So how exactly can you protect your business from these serious threats? The answer: a session border controller (SBC) with the latest security patches. What is […]
