Malware targeting MacOS steals bank logins

Although ransomware has stolen the limelight recently, there’s another type of cyberattack targeting your bank account. Thanks to some horrifying ingenuity, being infected by OSX.Dok can result in victims directly handing their bank account information to hackers. Take a minute to find out how it works so you can avoid making a costly mistake. OSX.Dok […]

What’s new in macOS High Sierra?

macOS High Sierra’s public beta is now available and it happens to be the first full OS upgrade since Snow Leopard. Despite that, the new OS’ most notable enhancements are not about features per se, but rather speed and future proofing Apple’s technology. Having said that, here’s the latest from High Sierra. Photos Photos gets […]

Trojan infects macOS version of HandBrake

If you’ve downloaded the macOS version of HandBreak, a popular video transcoding program that converts multimedia files into different formats, checking your computer’s safety right now would be wise. Users who downloaded the program between May 2 and May 6 have a 50 percent chance of being infected with an Apple Trojan, based on an […]
