IT Network Security |19 Vigilance Questions

Small and medium business IT networks cannot ever take a rest from ensuring that they are set up in a secure manner.

In spite of the benefits that technology brings with increased productivity, better  communication and ease of access to important data you can never forget about the IT Network Security 19 Vigilance Questions resized 600potential that exists for IT network security breaches.  These can be caused by a direct attack from an exterior party, random malware, or employee actions (unwitting or not).  Breaches can lead to disruptions in business critical IT operations, exposure of internal or client data, as well as violation of key legislation designed to ensure protection of private information.

There are key steps which need to be taken regularly to ensure that you have provided your network with the best protections.

  • Are your operating systems kept current, patched and updated with the current bug fixes and security patches?

  • Are mobile devices being used on your network and externally subject to effective security provisions?

  • Is your wireless network setup taking into account security and appropriate access point protocols to protect private data being transmitted in the wireless environment?

  • Are employee devices being brought to work stopped from connecting to the business network without proper permission and protective measures?

  • Are employees blocked from removing company owned devices without permission?

  • If end users are permitted to install software on their own devices in the work network is there adequate provision in the design to ensure that viruses and other malware is not introduced into the network through these installations?

  • Is the IT network designed with appropriate segregation of public and private nodes to keep internal devices from being accessed through the internet without the use of firewalls, encryption, anti virus, and anti-spy ware tools?

  • Since the network is only as secure as the weakest link, are all computer devices that connect to the internet secured with proper and constantly updated antivirus and anti-spyware software?

  • Is private and confidential information encrypted and transmitted using secure connection technologies such as SSL (secure socket layer) or VPN (virtual private network).

  • Are anti-intrusion detection and security-audit programs in place to discover any intrusion attempts?

  • Is there hardware redundancy on servers to protect from single points of failure?

  • Is backup data protected from theft or tampering?

  • Are critical technology assets such as servers, hubs, routers, and telephone system controllers kept in locked areas subject to access control?

  • Is access to critical technology assets kept to a select number of people?  Up to four is common with at least two recommended.

  • Are portable devices such as laptops or USB drives which contain sensitive data kept in secure locked storage?

  • Is there a formal approval process that must be followed before granting access to important data resources?

  • Are steps taken to ensure that important data is not able to be viewed while in use?  e.g. are screens in reception areas located so casual viewers are unable to see data on them.

  • When employees leave or are terminated are steps taken to ensure they no longer have access to company data, logins or other IT connections?  Are logins and emails suspended immediately?

  • Is an independent security review conducted periodically to ensure you have not overlooked any reasonable action?  Sometimes an outside eye will see what is taken for granted or overlooked.

The nineteen questions included in this list will give you a fairly comprehensive overview of your potential security concerns.  Addressing each of them will help you to build a more secure IT network and make the potential of a security breach much less likely.  

As well you have to adopt an attitude of constant vigilance.  Reviewing your own systems regularly and ensuring that everyone in your employ complies with the protocols you institute will help you to maintain a save and secure IT operating environment.


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