Understanding Cyber Safety: 11 Key Terms for Canadian Business Owners

Understanding Cyber Safety: 11 Key Terms for Canadian Business Owners

With tech getting better every day, the risks of cyber threats also grow. To protect your business, you need to know some cybersecurity basics. Here are the key terms to get you started.

Malware: This is harmful software designed to mess up your computer systems, steal data, or sneak into your network. Some examples are viruses, ransomware, Trojans, and spyware. To fight them off, use strong antivirus and anti-malware tools.

Phishing: This is when bad guys try to trick you into giving away private info like passwords or credit card numbers. They might send fake emails or messages, or make websites that look real. It's important to teach your team about phishing so they know what to look out for.

Firewall: This is like a wall that protects your company's network from the outside world, including the internet. It checks all the data coming in and out, blocking anything suspicious.

Encryption: This turns your data into a secret code. It keeps your information safe when it's being sent or stored. If anyone intercepts it, they can't read it without the right key.

Multifactor authentication (MFA): This is an extra layer of security for user accounts. It asks for more than just a username and password. You might also need a fingerprint, facial recognition, or a one-time code.

Patch management: This means regularly updating your software, systems, and apps. By doing this, you fix any weaknesses that hackers could use to sneak in.

Data breach: This happens when someone gets unauthorized access to your private information. It can lead to big problems, like financial loss, legal issues, and damage to your reputation.

Security awareness training: This is teaching your team about cybersecurity. It helps them spot threats and know what to do if they see one.

Virtual private network (VPN): This is a tool that creates a safe connection between your device and a remote server. It's especially useful when using public Wi-Fi to keep your data secure.

Insider threat: This is when someone you trust, like an employee or partner, misuses their access and puts your data at risk.

Security audit: This is a thorough check of your security measures. It helps you spot any weaknesses and improve your security.

Cybersecurity is a constant battle, and it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest threats and solutions. To keep your business safe, speak to our cybersecurity experts today at 905-542-9759 or request a call back by visiting us at https://www.cdntechnologies.com
