Must-know cybersecurity terminology to keep your business safe

Cyberthreats are constantly evolving, and without adequate protection, businesses can fall victim to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. Understanding basic cybersecurity terms is crucial for safeguarding company assets and sensitive information. Here are some essential cybersecurity terms that every business owner should be familiar with to strengthen their organization’s security posture. Malware Malware […]

Understanding Cyber Safety: 11 Key Terms for Canadian Business Owners

With tech getting better every day, the risks of cyber threats also grow. To protect your business, you need to know some cybersecurity basics. Here are the key terms to get you started.

Malware: This is harmful software designed to mess up your computer systems, steal data, or sneak into your network.

How managed IT services can help with cybersecurity

With the rise in cyberthreats, small- and medium-sized businesses must prioritize their cybersecurity measures more than ever. Fortunately, managed IT services providers (MSPs) can provide SMBs with enterprise-grade security solutions and services that can help them protect their data and networks. Here are some of the ways MSPs can help to safeguard your business. Enhanced […]

The stealthy intruder: Understanding fileless malware

In recent years, the cybersecurity landscape has witnessed a rapid evolution of malicious tactics, and fileless malware has emerged as a prominent weapon in the arsenal of cybercriminals. By leveraging legitimate tools and processes present on targeted systems, fileless malware bypasses traditional security measures, leaving security professionals scrambling to find effective countermeasures. This article will […]

5 Useful tips for speeding up Windows 10 updates

Windows 10 updates come with security patches, new features, and other performance improvements, so it’s critical that you install them as soon as they become available. Unfortunately, downloading the necessary files can take ages if you haven’t optimized your operating system. Windows 10 updates take a while to complete because Microsoft is constantly adding larger […]

Tips for speeding up Windows 10 updates

Keeping up with Windows 10 updates is vital if you want your computers to have the latest features and security fixes. However, Microsoft’s operating system can take hours to update, especially if a significant change is being released. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to speed things up. Why do updates take […]

How can I update Windows 10 faster?

Updating your Windows 10 is an essential security measure for protecting your business from threats such as malware or ransomware. It’s free! And you don’t have to do much, all you have to do is wait. However, for some, that’s the downside. Can’t stand waiting? One of these will speed up your Windows 10 update. […]

Why are Windows 10 updates so slow?

Windows 10 users are well aware of the fact that installing updates can take a long time. In fact, you’ll find many users venting about this issue in online forums and complaining to their service providers. So what kind of feedback are they getting, and why are Windows 10 updates so slow? Why do updates […]
