5 Annoying Tasks You Can Automate Right Now

Odds are that right now you’re doing a handful of tasks manually that you don’t need to, like sorting through an endless e-mail inbox. According to Microsoft, employees spend just under two hours daily on e-mail – that’s more than eight hours a week spent in your inbox instead of on more creative or strategic projects.

Customer Loyalty Strategy: Screw Up First

One of the key characteristics of the top customer experience brands in the world is that they are “Zero Risk” to do business with. A Zero Risk business isn’t one that never makes mistakes; every excellent customer service company drops the ball from time to time. The secret to what makes these top brands Zero […]

Unmitigated Discipline Military-Tested Leadership Strategies From A Navy Seal to Guide You In Everyday Battle

In 2004, Ramadi, Iraq, became the center of control for the Middle Eastern terrorist group al-Qaeda. Two-year battles ensued over the city of 500,000 people, during which the rule of law was nonexistent, bloodshed was constant, and devastation was unrelenting. US forces posted battle stations within the city and managed to keep al-Qaeda at bay […]

Don’t Settle For Less

5 Questions Every IT Professional Should Say Yes To Business owners have a wide variety of responsibilities. In many cases, they oversee the hiring process, ensure operations run smoothly and find the best third-party vendors to help benefit their business for years to come. One problem many business owners face when hiring a third party […]

Help Your Business Thrive With Co-Managed IT Services

Over the past few years, awareness about IT services has significantly increased. Businesses of varying sizes recognize the need for and importance of utilizing IT services to protect sensitive data, keep day-to-day operations running smoothly, increase productivity throughout various departments and stay up-to-date with the most recent technology trends. Without IT services, companies put themselves […]

Understanding Cyber Security Compliance Standards

There is an endless number of things a business owner should do for their business to be successful. They must develop a product or service that can attract customers, hire and train a team to oversee day-to-day operations, implement marketing strategies and so much more. While all these tasks are essential for your business to […]
