Are We Going To Microchip Our Babies?

A few months ago the hosts of the popular daytime TV show The View were flamed by viewers over a discussion about the benefits of microchipping our babies to keep track of them. However, a surprising number of viewers actually agreed with the hosts, stating that it was a good idea to help find lost children or victims of kidnapping and natural disasters.

Are You Ready for Windows 10? A Checklist for Early Adopters

Are you THAT person? The one who's standing in line at Best Buy in the freezing cold at 5:00 a.m. just so you can be the first to get your hands on the newest smartphone? ( or you send someone ) We hear you; new technology is exciting and fun to interact with, however, there are some factors you should take into consideration before jumping on the early adoption bandwagon.

5 Email Lines that should never be opened

There is always someone in the office that is going to click on a link that unleashes the wrath of the crypto locker virus, or some other virus or malware. What’s most exasperating about it, is that 100% of these disasters and restoration costs could have been completely avoided easily.

What I learned from a Shark

So I recently had an opportunity to meet and learn from Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful”, Kevin O’Leary. While he is certainly direct and opinionated, I am happy to report he was also very down to earth and gracious in sharing business insights and time with a room full of IT business people.

How to Protect your Business from Online Banking Scams

It’s not always easy to spot a scam and new ones are invented every day. Banks are aware that users of online banking can experience fraudulent activity due to their computers being infected by malware. **Spoiler Alert** Canadian Banks do not guarantee that they will retrieve your money once a payment is released and if you read your bank agreement it will say that you are liable for your losses.

So your IT Guy left – what’s next

Picture this: Your long-standing IT pro decides it’s finally time to move on and live his dream life as a surfer somewhere off the grid. His dream has become your nightmare because he handled EVERYTHING. What do you do when you’re faced with this dilemma? Do you replace the person, find an IT management partner, or something in between?

Keeping your technology up-to-date, maintaining your IT regularly and securely and giving your staff professional development opportunities and benefits is expensive.

Social media for business development

Regardless of the industry in which you operate, it’s undeniable that social media has become an essential platform for many businesses of all sizes to easily engage and interact with customers and potential customers, as well as boost visibility. But there’s more to social media than market reach and penetration and it can prove to be a powerful tool for driving dynamic business development too.

5 Key Factors for Setting an IT Budget

According to a worldwide survey conducted by CEB, 33% of organization's IT budget is going towards innovation and business opportunity. Not sure how you IT budget should be divvied up? You're not alone in this dilemma. Understanding the following 5 factors can aid in creating your IT budget and allow for a smooth, efficient process:

1. Past Performance

Identifying your existing trends is the first and most important step to creating your IT budget.

5 Signs hardware need to be upgraded

Computers, servers, mobile devices, and more, are constantly seeing hardware and component upgrades being released. From faster processors to new screens, it feels like there are new elements being released on a daily basis. This can make many business owners feel like they must upgrade.
